Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Week 9 - Counters and RSS Feed

Counters are widgets that, well obviously, count. They count the number of hits your website has, and you - and your viewers - will be able to see how popular and how many hits you recieve.
A few web analysis tools include:
Google Analytics
SiteMeter and

An RSS Feed is a web feed used to inform subscribers about frequently updated works; it allows people to subscribe to a feed and it will automatically update them when the site is edited and new information is added.
Google reader is a simple way to subscribe to RSS feeds and is found in Gmail.

Week 12

Obviously, as you may notice, I did not post this a week priar to assessment. But I figured supplying and posting something is better than nothing at all.

Here is my:
Athene website
my blog - which has posts made throughout the year. - which unfortunately I barely add to, but I was very happy when I could access all my important sites when I went home and couldn't use my laptop.
Flickr - which, surprisingly, I've been using quiet often to upload images of my animation, and other photos.

This Semester I've learnt how to use iweb on the Macs, I've learnt about templates and how to manipulate them; however I find I keep coming back to my original layout because I like the simplistic and straight forward look. I've changed colours on my blog and my website.
I discovered, learnt and uploaded with Fetch.
I learnt about Technorati, and how is differs to RSS Feeds.
I learnt about RSS Feeds.
I learnt how to add tags in which I was unsure about at the end of last term.
And edited my previously uploaded images on Flickr.
I learnt about GoogleReader and subscribed to a heap of different sites.

I refreshed my memory when it came to FTP, as I dabbled in it last year in my IT course.
I became more aware of gmail over the whole duration of this course, but am horrified there's another email address I have to remember to check :P

I realised how even though I did everything on the MPI blog I often forgot to create posts about it, and reluctantly admit that's exactly what I was told would happen at the very start of the semester.

I'm sure there is much more I've learnt, because I appreciate the fact I know heaps heaps more now than I did before this course... but I just can't think of any more to write at the moment.

So I hope you've all enjoyed reading my posts and following me through this semester. Thank you to all who helped and supported me too - you know who you are, and you all rock.
Thanks. Stay cool people :D

Week 8 - FTP and Web publishing

FTP; aka File Transfer Protocol is (defined by wiki as) "a standard network protocol used to copy a file from one host to another over a TCP/IP-based network, such as the internet."
This is good because it means you can upload information instantly onto a public server.
However FTP has some negatives as well, such as:
Bounce Attacks,
Spoof Attacks,
Brute Force Attacks,
Username Protection, and
Port Stealing.
But these risks can be minimized by employing encryption tools.

I learn about Athene and created a site which you can access here if you wish.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Technorati Validation code



Technorati is perfect for searching blogs; all blogs, however unlike a RSS feed, Technorati reads all of the HTML code, as well as tracks all of the activity around a blog or site. It keeps people up to date about updates and changes that happen on these pages.
Your blog will get ranked on how many people follow and link to it; and you will be given a number depending on how many people joined before you or are ranked above you.

At the moment I am awaiting my claim, but soon it will be up for you to hit and link to:
Don't wait - Link! Link! Link!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Templates and CSS

First of all, when I turned off the 'default style' and made it 'no style' I found all the backgrounds disappeared and it became simply black and white, no templates or formal layouts.

Advantages of using CSS - well obviously it's quicker, easier and less likely to make mistakes (say if you want all the headings to be the same colour and font; you only have to change it once - Yay! :P). I reluctantly changed my background colours for the body and sidebar; even though I was already happy with how I had it set up previously.
A template can change the entire look and layout of a webpage or website, without changing your actual contents. But the changes can only be made within the template's own limits. I didn't really change my template because I already liked the look I had achieved, but you can change certain details within boundries.

Accessiblity is important to consider when making a webpage because it allows the page to be accessed by different browsers and people (including people with disablities) without trouble. Very important!

Well that's it for now, hope that was interesting for you all, and I'll catch yas next time :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Summery - week 6 assessment

Hi all, man, I have done so much in this subject already.

For instance, in Blogger alone - I have completed 7 Posts, I particualrly like my flickr post and my post about Delicious; mainly because they talk about things I have learnt in this subject.
I enjoyed playing around with the look of my blog, especially the gadgets.
I have made a few comments to other people's blogs; I think I like the one where I commented on Becky's mainly because seeing what she could achieve with her layout inspired me and gave me more ideas.
I've also learnt how to follow, as well as add friends to my Blogger account, which I thin is pretty cool because I get updates from them and their blogs. is an awesome website which I reluctantly admit I havn't been paying enough attention to, but I do like it.
I have bookmarked 15 pages, my favourite one is probably the link to minitoykio - because it has my cousin's art on it. Mainly I bookmarked pages that interest me because they were about my friends, or animation - or even just usefulness like a link to flickr or the animation forum :D

And then there is flickr. Flickr is a quick photosharing website. Some of my favourite photos were taken back home, in Myrtleford.
They include a view from Reform Hill
some nice effects made from rain drops
and a tree on an interesting angle that I used to hang out under with my friends at school.

Anyway, I hope you like them, and check back on my blog in the future.
- Thanks guys